Thursday, 24 December 2015

Happy anny ❣

Happy anny 3 years. And 5 year we know each other. Itssss a long time to know everything. You with me ups and down. And i dont know how to describe. just bit sad bcause i clbrate our day alone and without you. Tak apa. Nanti sayang habis kite clbrate ok. I miss you sayang. 😘 x nk ckp byak sbb tau nt i akan melalak pepagi buta ni. So i end my bebelan with that i wish you always with me. I love you soo much my dear. Muah πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹❣ 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

3 day without you πŸ˜“

Saiful 😭 i'm weak without you. Alone and all. Sayang. How i can do my daily without you ? I always wish you comes to see me even in my dream. Hari hari i wish that we will meet in the dream. Semoga awak sihat dan semoga tabah hadapi latihan selama 6 bulan. 😭 i'm waiting you ❣ 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Rekrut : day 1

Tepat jam 5.10pm epul bgtau die dah kene masuk dorm. Hurm. Pilu nya rasa hati. Tapi saya rela dan redha. Walaupon tak boleh bawak hp, and epul cuba cari something untuk boleh contact saya. The only one choice is public phone. 😁 

Dalam pukul 8 tetibe ade no tak dikenali masuk. Laju je nak angkt. And yesss what i waitinggg is you. 😘 epul call guna public. I'm happy la dapat call tapi sedih bile nak matikan fon tu. 😫 Tak apa nanti sye post duit syiling bebanyak ea sayang. Heheh. 

Act, he tell me die dah botak kene potong rambut. Hehe. Very up to date everything about him to me. But tak sempat cerita semuanya. Dapat cerita sikit je. 

Tumpang gembira dan bangga dengan  ape yang die dapat. Sebenarnye memang simpan angan2 nak future tu seorang polis. Heheh. Alhamdulillah Rezeki yang Allah bagi. Bersyukur sangat. Cuma sedih sebab kene tinggal 6 bulan 😞 itu je masalahnye. Heheh. Sebelum pegi banyak sangat pesan itu ini. Ye tau terlalu risaukan buah hati die yang sorng ni kan. I will always remind myself to think about you that far from me and what you do now is everything for me. I know i will strong even your not there with me but i know you always at my heart. I know you strong and i will strong like you. Nanti lagi 6 bulan kite jumpa ea. πŸ˜… yeayyyy tak sabarnye nak tengok awak gemok dan hitam sayang.πŸ˜‚ 

Jaga diri dekat sana sayang. I rindu night wish from you. Rindu nak otp until i slept. Sayang tido yang lena kat sana tau. Makan jangan cerewet. Ini yang paling penting sebab you sooo very cerewet tau klau time untuk makan. Hehehe. I tido dulu ye sayang. Good night. I love you. Jumpa dalam mimpi ye sayang. tunggu by 😴

Monday, 30 November 2015

Family holiday πŸš™

Plan to malacca state that is the main part we want to go is A famosa water park! But not direct to the place. On the morning around 10 am we go to segamat for wedding invitation. And we arrived around 12 pm. When everything done we continue our journey to malacca state. Yeahhhh around 3.30 pm we arrive to our homestay. Its not far from ayer keroh tol. We take a rest for a while then we go to 'jalan-jalan' at 5pm. The first destination that we go is 'Coconut Shake' that famous at Klebang. 🍺 

Its rainy when we at coconut shake. Even its cold but we try the cold coconut shake. Heheh πŸ˜… after the place, our second destionation is 'Muzium Kapal Selam' its sooo near with Pantai Klebang. The submarine is soooo big that i cnt imagine the size act. 

Its the view from next. Itsss sooo big. The in of the submarine is full with engine and other that i dont know how to explain. Huhuhu. So after that place we spend our evening at 'Pantai Klebang'. 🌊 
Just arrive at the beach we play the water balloon. 🎈 

Such a fun activities with family. 😘  on the night after solat maghrib we go to dinnoh! Its at family contact but i dont know well. Heheh. 😁 

Itss the yummeyhhhh dinnoh. Everything is seafood! Hahaha. πŸ™πŸŸπŸ¦€
So after dinner we back to homestay. But  me,sister, and two cousin go to out back. Hahaha. We go to the 'Jonker Walk' And the place is like bazar karat but its the chinese place. The seller is totally chinese. 

And i found the egg ice cream. Its unique and cute bdway. Heheh. 

It have the any flavor. For me its yummeeyhhh. πŸ˜‹ Hehehe. 

Tomorrowww yeayyy! We plan for the day to spend our time at 'A famosa water park' so yeayyyy. Hahaha. 

Until evening around 4pm we at there. And we go to the late lunch. Well everybody was hungry. Hahaha. πŸ˜‚ we all direct go the KL for the second state. And go the kl for visit my uncle at HKL. Just it. And we back to JHB on 23/11 evening. πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ 

Its a fun and joy that can spend time with family and the best holiy. Will plan the other next. πŸ˜˜πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦

Saturday, 24 October 2015

BFF πŸ‘­πŸ‘­

I didn't espect that i still have bff like my primary school. And i didnt espect it more ohsem. I think its just usually. But i'm wrong. It different! And i feel so lucky to have them. The friend that always with me no matter what. Up and down we always together. Gado mcm mane tetap baik. All open minded. I think its difficult have girl that open minded. Usually the girl will be 'cepat terasa'. Hahaha. 😁😁 

Yaya! Tini! Tasha! The 3 girls that ohsem for me. They not fake! Not like other else. Always show their 'setan' everywhere. πŸ˜… they always support me to be more good than now. I'm appriciate it. 😘 


Xoxo 😘😍

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Queen birthday! πŸ‘©πŸ»

Sorry baru hari nak story morry dolly ngan si bollger! Hehehe 😁 ok nampak tak gmbar tu? Siapa tak nampak pendek umor! Hahah. Tak sangka plan kite adik beradik berjaya dengan lancar. Sooooo glad to have sibling like you sisto and brothers. πŸ’ž we plan to celebrate birthday for people who is queen of our heart. πŸ‘©πŸ» 1 weeks before the day we plan through whatsapp only. And we celebrate when my brother back home on 'raya haji' at 25/9. On the day, we invite all big family join to make it suprise success. πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰ 
On the evening 
I rush to ksl mall to buy the cluster of balloon and the word 'IBU'. 

On the night
I'm arrive to home at 7.30 pm and rush back to buy a cake and some food with sisters. After all that done! Im back to my aunt home at side from my home. Hehe. I prepare what to do. And we go to my front of my home we decorate what need to do. 

Yeayy like this πŸ‘†πŸΌI think its simple but sweet  actually. 😍 

All my aunt my cousin join this. And i cant espect that many comes. Heheh. 😁 the best part ever from my bigggg family. They can give a best committment. Heheh. Thats why i love them much. 😘 

We wait until my mum already dinner with dad. And after that one of my uncle and aunt knock the door. Heheh. And for your information my dad know this plan last minute. Hahah. After she open the door and i look she shocked look what to do. 😱 Haha.  And she cried! πŸ˜‚ That time i'm cried toooo to look she happy. Soo peacefull my heart when i look she happy and i think my sibling feel the same like me. My mum blame my dad to do this. And he say that he dont know anything. Hahaha. Coolest daddy ever. πŸ‘¨πŸ» 

I hope we can be a best and happy family till jannah πŸ‘¨πŸ‘©πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦ thank you again whos join this to make it succes. Its very smooth plan. I'm happy. πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆ

For ibu πŸ‘©πŸ» 
 i hope you like what we do for you. May Allah bless you always mum. I wish that you pink of healthy, success in your life, happy with people around you, i glad ti have mummy that you. Always have for me up and down, always be my best gossip partner. I cant life without you. I dont know how my life without you.❤️ 
Sincerely your youngest daughter πŸ‘§πŸΌ 

Xoxo! Bye 😘

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Terkilan πŸ˜“

Ya Allah sakitnya dada dengan ape yg berlaku. Sungguh tak percaya. Serious tak caya. But its reality. Hurm. Nak tak nak kene terima even hati tak rela. Sedih dan sbgainya. Mungkin kau akan jadi masa silam aku. Aku sedang sedaya upaya mengumpul kekuatan untuk hadap semua ni. 

Mungkin pada mata kau. Senang sngt nak dptkn bnde tu. mudah dengan sekelip mata mungkin. Sumpah kecewa sumpah sedih. Aku cuba bahagiakn kau. Aku cuba capai ape yg kau nak. Tapi tak sangka kau mmg orng yg tak reti menghargai. Aku kecewa, nyesal pon kekadang ade. Kau tak jauh beza mcm lelaki lain. Hurm. 

bila jadi mcm ni. Tetibe teringt kat arwah. Hurm. Susah nk dpt penganti mcm arwah yg sabar dan terlalu tabah hadap aku. Hurm. Kalau arwah masih ade, mungkin beruntung perempuan yg dicintai arwah. Hurm. 😌 

Tak apa ini mungkin dugaan dan cabaran yg aku kene lalui. Hurm. Buat pengajran untuk aku. Jgn jadi pemurah sngt even sayang ke half of life ke ape ke. No need lepas ni. 

Terima kasih atas cacian dan hinaan kau. Mungkin ini jadi motivasi untuk aku! Aku kene kuat hadap smue ni. Tak boleh cengeng. Hidup bersendiri berdikari. Tak apa. Allah tu slalu ade dgn hambanya. Aku pegang kata kata ni. Aku still ade abah ibu. Hurm. 

Semoga aku jadi seorang yang tabah dan kuat untuk harungi ujian yang lagi penuh mencabar yang akan tiba. *lap airmata* πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Cruel 😣

I dont know how to say. Its hard! Rasa spruh hidup. Nak pegi laut nak cerita kat alam dan biarkan ombak bawak smue derita ni. Kau bermakna tapi aku yg serba kekurangan. Kau jadikan aku seperti permata. Tapi batu yg aku tnjukkan kat kau. Hurm. Aku mintk maaf tak pernah jadi sempurna dimata kau. Mungkin ni jalan yg harus aku pilih dgn kata kata kau hari demi hari. Aku redha dgn tuduhan dari kau. Biarkan kau fkir aku ni jahat smpai kau benci aku. Sbb aku memang tak layak untuk kau. Benci la aku. Hina la aku smpai mane kau puas. Aku terima aku redha. Memang perit, seksa, terluka dan kecewa tapi aku tau aku selalu biarkan hati kau terluka demi aku. Ye aku bukan mcm prempuan lain yang slalu jaga hati seorang lelaki. Kau pergi laa sayang mencari sesuatu yg lebih indah dari aku. Aku sentiasa doakan kau bahagia. Cuma satu yg kau perlu tau, dalam ramai ramai kau la yang paling bermakna dan kau sentiasa ada dihati aku wlaupon kau bukan milik aku suatu hari nanti. πŸ˜”

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

dugaan hidup

hye selamat malam semua. for who's UiTM students, good luck for your final exam include me. 

tak tau knape rasa dan mcm dpt tau dh pointer akan turun untuk sem ni. hurm. bnyak sngt bnde yg jadi mse final. owhhhh. please i dont want :( tengah mcm ni laa fon rosak laa ape laa. all need money. owh my. dugaannya datang mintak ketabahan diri. harap diri ni dpt tempoh hari demi hari dugaan hidup. maklum laa umor makin meningkt kan so nak tak nak kene tempoh semua ni untuk kuatkan hidup. dalam hidup mana ade yang mudah kan. nak tak nak kene jugak tempoh. especially the ladies ok. slalu pmpuan ni yg kene tmpoh dugaan yang agak mencabar dari lelaki. dugaan jadi perempuan ni lain mcm tau. hahaha. sapa yang x rasa die x tau. hahahaha. may Allah bless all our life . bye. salam :) 

Monday, 16 February 2015

Luahan πŸ’‹

Hye hye hye. Good morning smue. Engkorang tau 'sahabat' tu mcm mana? Engko tau 'kawan' tu mcm mana? Aku bukan nak ckp ape laa kan. Aku slalu dpt sahabat yg mulut mcm puaka tapi x penah tusuk blakang aku. Tapi aku plak slalu dapat kawan yg slalu tikam aku even dorng punye ayt manis madah. But its just luaran. Dalaman, aku rasa yg mulut mcm puaka tu laa yg boleh memahami aku boleh give advice kat aku drpde yg luaran jee nmpk ok ni. I dont know why, aku rasa aku mcm jadi batu bile orng yg penah buat fault ngan aku. Aku x ckp aku perfect. But ntah laa. Scara tetibe aku x leh msuk ngan prgai orng tu. Yg sblom ni boleh cite pape pon jadi x leh. Jadi mcm serba slah nak cite bgai. Hurm. Bile baik sngt prgai mcm πŸ’©. Tapi bile x rapat perangai elok plak. Anyonyonyo. Sbb tu bg aku jgn tngok orng tu tutup litup mcm baik sngt. Act kebanyakannya idok. Just tutup di luaran. Dalaman? Aku x nyesal klau hilang kawan yg suka mencanang cite orng sana sini mcm diri die bgus. Pastu nak pinggir2 kan aku. X suka kawan ngan aku? Terus terang. My life is simple and easy. You dont like me. I dont care. K bye. 😘